When the term CMYK is mentioned, most individuals associate it with print, while RGB is commonly linked to Digital applications that are on-screen. However, do you truly understand the underlying mechanisms of each color mode?
When comparing RGB and CMYK, what sets them apart? It’s crucial to note that these color modes are optimal for distinct design formats, with RGB being suitable for digital work and CMYK being ideal for print.
Understanding the differences between RGB and CMYK will allow you to create stunning designs that look great on any device.
CMYK and RGB stand for CMYK and RGB, respectively, and we’ll explain the differences between them in this article. You’ll learn everything you need to know about color modes by the end of this article.
CMYK vs. RGB Overview
The main difference between CMYK and RGB color modes is that CMYK is used for printing, while RGB is used for viewing.
Color modes are systems that tell your computer how to mix and represent colors. You’re reading this article on a mobile device, tablet, or monitor that uses RGB instead of CMYK for printing.
For a full understanding of why and when to use CMYK or RGB, we must explain each color mode in more detail in this article.
The importance of choosing the right color mode
Whether you’re printing or designing for the screen, the color mode you choose can greatly impact the final appearance of your project.
Color shifts almost always occur when you convert RGB to CMYK for print, sometimes quite dramatically. A CMYK design that is converted to RGB is the same as a CMYK design that is converted to RGB.
Additionally, certain colors cannot be accurately represented in one color mode or another. CMYK inks cannot print neon colors, but RGB inks can be used to display them on a computer monitor.
In order to design effectively, you must first decide which color mode is most appropriate for your project and workflow. The finished product will have accurate colors and the best results.
What is CMYK?
Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, and Black are the colors that make up CMYK. Conventional printing uses four colors of ink.
In CMYK, “K” represents black since, in printing, black is a “key” color. It sets the tone of a design, and all other ink colors are added on top of it. Cyan, magenta, and yellow, the other three colors, are considered secondary colors.

What is RGB?
The RGB color code stands for Red, Green, and Blue. Digital images are displayed on screens like monitors, TVs, phones, and other electronic devices using these three colors of light. Instead of a subtractive model like CMYK, it is an additive one.
The colors we see on our screens are created by combining red, green, and blue light. Millions of vivid colors can be created by varying the intensity of each color. An RGB image is displayed on a screen by separating each pixel into three subpixels: red, green, and blue. Each color’s intensity is represented by a number between 0 and 255. As an example, if all sub-pixels are off, the pixel will be black, and its color will be 0,0,0. A pixel that has all its sub-pixels turned in will be white, represented as 255,255,255.
When should you use CMYK and when should you use RGB?
Print designs should be done in CMYK and digital designs should be done in RGB. The reason for this is that CMYK is designed for printing, whereas RGB is designed for display. A variety of file formats can be used with the CMYK & RGB color mode, click here to view the list of formats.
For example, use RGB when designing:
- website graphics
- social media graphics
- email newsletters
- online ads
- profile photos
- infographics
- app design
- and anything that will be displayed on a screen
And use CMYK when designing:
- business cards
- posters
- billboards
- signs
- menus
- t-shirt designs
- brochures
- product packaging
- promotional materials
- and any art file that will be printed
How do you view CMYK colors on a monitor?
A monitor cannot accurately display CMYK colors. Colors are created on monitors using RGB. Therefore, when you work in CMYK, you can’t see exactly what your design will look like when it’s printed.
Converting your CMYK colors to RGB will give you a pretty good idea. Remember that printing will alter the colors slightly.
The Bottom Line
There are some big differences between CMYK and RGB, as you can see. For printing, CMYK is used, and RGB is used for screens. This is because CMYK uses inks while RGB uses light. There are, however, deeper differences between them.
It is important to choose the right color mode at the beginning of the design process when working on a design. The final product will accurately represent all colors in your design.
Your next graphic design project can be more successful if you know what makes CMYK vs. RGB unique.
- Written by: Lepakcreatorsg
- Posted on: May 2023
- Tags: graphic design